Why Automate

DentalBridge API
DentalBridge API
Dental Automation

Dental Automation

Automation is the key to a successful dental clinic. With dental automation, we at Dentistry Automation, will help you unlock your practice’s full potential through automation tools like DentalBridge API, Insurance verification, Claims Tracker, and KPI Dashboard. Expect improvements in appointments, revenue, efficiency, and productivity through various automations.


AI has been at the center of technological advancements, and every DSO needs one. By using AI, everything is streamlined and aligned towards your goals to obtain accurate results. This leads to an increase in revenue and production. Along with great user and patient experience.



With Dentistry Automation services, automation is the ultimate tool we provide to any practice. With DentalBridge API and other automation tools, the efficiency of your practice is going to skyrocket 10 folds. Employ our automation services to see the change you desire. 

Saving time on manual effort

Dentistry Automation’s API helps in scheduling, management, etc with less to no manual effort. Our tools and services help save you a great amount of time in every process at your dentistry. Thus, allowing you to reach your goals in a record amount of time.



One factor that determines a successful DSO is productivity. Dentistry Automation’s goal is to make sure that your productivity is improved at a substantial rate. All this in a short amount of time with increased efficiency, reduced manual labor, and no room for error or complaints. 


Dentistry Automation’s dental automation brings a substantial increase in profit for your DSO. We back you in your business process to help you reach your profit goals. All this through revenue, patient retention, and growth in every aspect of your business. We drive, but you win. 


Supported PMS

Join thousands of happy customers who are growing their practice with Dentistry Automation