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December 7, 2020

Keep your practice’s bottom-line rock solid even during the holiday season!

The festive season is upon us. That means holidays are coming up shortly and no-shows and cancellations…

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December 4, 2020

Using Dental KPI Dashboard to get data-driven insights

Your DSOs generates a lot of data. Then how do you know which data is important and…

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November 25, 2020

Reduce no-shows at your practice with Dental KPI Dashboard

If you ask a dentist/dental practice what they need to increase practice profitability, then chances are that…

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November 12, 2020

Automating dental practices to boost productivity

Just as no drug company would fill medicine bottles by hand and no automaker would run without…

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November 7, 2020

How dental compliance helps you to save a million dollars?

As dental practices embrace diverse administrative roles, compliance becomes increasingly important in recent times. Dental practice owners…

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November 3, 2020

Using KPI Dashboard to bring success to your dental practice

Welcoming a brand-new year means looking back and digging into all the details to decipher where you…

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