Dentistry Automation OneAPI Guidelines


Dentistry Automation One APIs are used to expose the data, which is extracted from source PMS and loaded into Dentistry Automation. This data can give the end-user all the information with respect to the APIs and KPIs mentioned in this document. The use of API data will be more relevant and beneficial to the DSOs, where the data from all the source PMS will show up in a PMS agnostic way. The APIs are best way for the third-party developers to use the data exposed from the source PMS.

Intended Audience

This document is intended for the end users who want to understand about the various APIs and KPIs in detail. It is mainly for developers who consume these APIs.

Technical Support

For any technical assistance, you can send an email to

Getting Started

You can make many types of HTTPs requests using the Dentistry Automation’s REST APIs.

Before you start, you must consider the following:

  • Read the basics: If you are new to REST APIs, make sure that you understand the basics of REST and JSON.
  • Understand roles and privileges: You must have the required security roles and privileges to use the GET and POST methods on your APIs.
  • Select a REST client: Typically, REST APIs use HTTP and HTTPs protocols to connect software programs. You need a software client to send the HTTP requests. In the sample request codes in this document, cURL is used. You can test REST APIs using any programming language or tool that supports sending and receiving HTTP messages. Make sure you have a good understanding of how your REST client works.


An Application Programming Interface (API) allows two applications to talk to each other. It contains a set of protocols, procedures, and tools that allow interaction between two applications. It delivers your request to the server and then sends a response back to the client.

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for APIs help in understanding how the APIs work and the impact they have on your services, users, or partners. KPIs enable you to focus on streamlining the process and maintaining the patient’s processed data. It provides a straightforward way to track the performance of your various key business entities. They reflect the business value that APIs provide for your organization.

In other words, KPIs are aggregated indicators of business performance and APIs are raw data set from each of the data contexts of your practice. However, the KPIs can be used as APIs if your practice is intending to use them in another application. For simplicity, all are treated as APIs in this document.

Accessing the APIs and KPIs

For information about how to access the APIs and KPIs, contact Dentistry Automation at


To authorize:

  1. After logging into Dentistry Automation portal, click One API on the left pne.
  2. Provide the User Name and Password, and then click Sign In. You can also click Login as Current User.
Authorization one api

The Status is displayed as Authorized and the KPIs and APIs are displayed by default. To view the KPIs and APIs for a specific clinic, select the required client and clinic from the Clinic drop-down menu.

You are now authorized to view and use the KPIs and APIs.

Authorization one api 2

Running the API/KPIs

To run the APIs/KPIs, click the required API/KPI, provide the request parameters, and click Execute. The response is displayed in the black box. To view the sample response, click Sample Response.
The following screenshot shows a sample response for Appointment KPI Details.

Running the API

KPI Reports

The final data is loaded in KPIs and is verified with the customer’s data to present the final output. You can view the various KPI reports using the following APIs:

  • Appointment KPI Details
  • Adjustment KPI Details
  • Collection KPI Details
  • Production KPI Details
  • NewPatients KPI Details
  • Doctor Production KPI Details
  • Broken Appointments KPI Details
  • Cancel Appointments KPI Details
  • Hygiene Production KPI Details
  • Short Notice Cancel KPI Details
  • Total Account Receivable by Guarantor KPI Details
  • Guarantor wise total AR by Date (End date of a month) KPI Details

Appointment KPI Details



Method Type

Provides the appointment details for a patient.



Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Description
From the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.
Clinic server name.
Number of records in a page.
Index of the page (example 1,2,3)
Date from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
Date until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
Unique identifier of the patient from the source.
Unique identifier of the clinic
Date and time of the appointment.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
procedureDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the doctor has performed a treatment to the patient.
procedureNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for the treatment plan. It is system-generated.
appointmentDateTimedatetimeoffsetDate and time of the appointment.
patientIdVarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
isNewPatienttinyintIndicates whether it is patient’s first visit at this clinic.
appointmentStatusvarchar (100)Appointment status.
durationvarchar (255)Treatment or procedure duration.
typeOfVisitvarchar(50)Type of visit can be Doctor visit, or Hygienist visit, or any other visit.
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
reasonForVisitVarchar (MAX)Reason for the patient’s visit to the clinic.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
address1varchar (100)Patient’s address one.
address2varchar (100)Patient’s address two.
cityvarchar (100)Patient’s city.
statevarchar (100)Patient’s state.
zipCodevarchar (100)Patient’s postal code.
homePhonevarchar(30)Patient’s home phone number.
workPhonevarchar(30)Patient’s work phone number.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
appointmentAmountdecimal(18,2)Amount for the scheduled appointment.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 80523,
  "data": [
      "clinicServerId": "ba4664b2-1296-63ad-c5d1-91c81aec486b",
      "procedureDate": null,
      "procedureNumber": null,
      "appointmentDateTime": "2022-07-27T00:00:00+00:00",
      "patientId": "33283",
      "isNewPatient": false,
      "appointmentStatus": "Completed",
      "duration": 60,
      "typeOfVisit": "3RDSG",
      "appointmentId": "85566",
      "providerId": "DRT",
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": "3LCG0VjX/lJWEs0DKUH+XA==",
      "providerLName": "Vhl9ze0IhmoKnu78Jqnc9g==",
      "providerMName": null,
      "providerCategory": null,
      "clinicNum": "1",
      "reasonForVisit": "Arrive at 8:00am to meet Dr. Tyler.
      mom is cool with him doing surg. just wanted to meet him 1st",
      "patientFirstName": null,
      "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "zipCode": null,
      "homePhone": null,
      "workPhone": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "2022-04-21T09:15:14+00:00",
      "appointmentAmount": 0

Response Codes

Response Code Description
Success. Indicates the API is executed successfully and has sent the response.
Bad request
Internal server error

Collection KPI Details



Method Type

Amount received from the insurance or patient.



Request Parameters

The request parameters are:
• Clinic
• Pagesize
• Pageindex
• Startdate
• Enddate
• Patientid
• ClinicNum
• PaymentDate

For the description about each parameter, see Request Parameters in Appointment API section.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
claimPaymentNumbervarchar (100)Insurance claim ID (link to the claim record of the medical claim for the procedure).
patientCollectionDecimal (18,2)Amount paid directly by the patient (does not include insurance amount).
insuranceCollectionDecimal (18,2)Amount paid using the patient’s insurance.
procedureDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the doctor has given a treatment to the patient.
procedureNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for the treatment plan. It is system-generated.
adaCodeVarchar (20)Procedure code or ADA code based on CDA. For example, D1101
procedureDescriptionvarchar (100)Brief description about the treatment.
patientIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name.
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
paymentDatedatetimeoffsetPayment date
collectionNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for collection.
carrierIdvarchar (100)Insurance Carrier/Payor ID.
carrierNamevarchar (100)Insurance Carrier/Payor name.
paymentTypevarchar (100)Type of payment the user (patient or insurance) has used to make the payment. (check/credit card/EFT etc.)
checkNumberVarchar (50)Check number for ID if payment type is check.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
isSourceDeletedbitIndicates whether the record was deleted at source.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 380503,
  "data": [
      "clinicServerId": "ba4664b2-1296-63ad-c5d1-91c81aec486b",
      "clinicNum": "1",
      "claimPaymentNumber": 0,
      "patientCollection": -77,
      "insuranceCollection": 0,
      "procedureDate": null,
      "procedureNumber": "207815",
      "procedureStatus": null,
      "adaCode": "D9230",
  "procedureDescription": "Analgesia N20-O2",
      "patientId": "17410",
      "patientFirstName": null,
      "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "appointmentId": null,
      "providerId": "GRH",
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": "RQWCj5keHlPijF5MpnhqNA==",
      "providerLName": "L8kaJpUThshJipmaORUB2g==",
      "providerMName": "Michael",
      "providerCategory": "OSY",
      "paymentDate": "2012-04-05T00:00:00+00:00",
      "collectionNumber": "63971-207815-P",
      "carrierId": null,
      "carrierName": null,
      "paymentType": "Cash",
      "checkNumber": "",
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "2022-04-22T06:15:25+00:00"
      "isSourceDeleted": false

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Production KPI Details



Method Type

Gross production is the total revenue generated for various treatments provided at the clinic.



Request Parameters

The request parameters are:

  • Clinic
  • PageSize
  • PageIndex
  • StartDate
  • EndDate
  • PatientId
  • ClinicNum
  • ProcedureDate

For the description about each parameter, see Request Parameters in Appointment API section.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
procedureDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the doctor has given a treatment plan to the patient.
procedureNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for the treatment plan. It is system-generated.
patientIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name.
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
productionAmountDecimal (18, 2)Total production amount that must be received from the patient and/or insurance.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
adaCodevarchar (100)Procedure code or ADA code based on CDA. For example, D1101
procedureDescvarchar (100)Brief description about the treatment.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
invoiceIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the invoice.
isSourceDeletedbitIndicates whether the record was deleted at source.
procedureStatusvarchar (100)Procedure status such as completed, planned, deleted, and so on.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 197674,
  "data": [
      "clinicServerId": "d95b7ed8-69fa-56f7-afda-f8b47a1850b1",
      "procedureDate": "2019-07-08T00:00:00+00:00",
      "procedureNumber": "140463",
      "patientId": "256321",
      "patientFirstName": "Kampton",
      "patientLastName": "Fuller",
      "patientMiddleName": "",
      "appointmentId": null,
      "productionAmount": "449.00",
      "providerId": "3",
      "provider": "DDS",
      "providerFName": "William       ",
      "providerLName": "McBee",
      "providerMName": "L.",
      "clinicNum": "01",
      "adaCode": "D7240",
      "procedureDesc": "Impacted Tooth-completely bony",
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "2022-05-13T09:41:18+00:00",
      "providerCategory": "OSY",
      "invoiceId": "78874",
      "isSourceDeleted": false,
      "procedureStatus": null

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Adjustment KPI Details



Method Type

Adjustment is considered as the amount that will be adjusted on a procedure or treatment.



Request Parameters

The request parameters are:
  • Clinic
  • Pagesize
  • Pageindex
  • Startdate
  • Enddate
  • Patientid
  • ClinicNum
  • AdjustmentDate
For the description about each parameter, see Request Parameters in Appointment API section.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
adjustmentTypevarchar (100)Adjustment type for the treatment plan.
adjustmentNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for the adjustment on a treatment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
adjustmentDatedatetimeoffsetDate when there is an adjustment that has happened on a treatment.
adjustmentAmountDecimal (18,2)Adjusted amount on a procedure.
procedureDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the doctor has performed a treatment to the patient.
procedureNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for the treatment plan. It is system-generated.
adaCodeVarchar (20)Procedure code or ADA code based on CDA. For example, D1101
procedureDescriptionvarchar (100)Details of the procedure or treatment service.
patientIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
isSourceDeletedbitIndicates whether this record was deleted at source.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 111005,
  "data": [
      "clinicServerId": "ba4664b2-1296-63ad-c5d1-91c81aec486b",
      "adjustmentType": "pc",
      "adjustmentNumber": "82586",
      "adjustmentDate": "2014-08-18T00:00:00+00:00",
      "adjustmentAmount": 114,
      "procedureDate": null,
      "procedureNumber": "268177",
      "adaCode": "D0330",
      "procedureDescription": "Panoramic X-Ray",
  "patientId": "21142",
      "patientFirstName": null,
      "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "providerId": "GRH",
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": "RQWCj5keHlPijF5MpnhqNA==",
      "providerLName": "L8kaJpUThshJipmaORUB2g==",
      "providerMName": "Michael",
      "providerCategory": "OSY",
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "clinicNum": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "2022-04-22T07:55:26+00:00"
      "isSourceDeleted": false

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes  in Appointment KPI Details section.

NewPatients KPI Details



Method Type

Patients who are seen at the clinic for the first time in the given time range for any procedure code.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page.
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
PatientIdstringUnique identifier of the patient from the source.
ProviderIdstringUnique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ProviderCategorystringSpecialty of the provider.
First visit start datedatetimeStart date to check how many patients visited the clinic for the first time
First visit end datedatetimeEnd date to check how many patients visited the clinic for the first time.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKPrimary key of the data context.
patientIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name.
firstVisitDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the patient visited the clinic for the first time.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFirstNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLastNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
sourceCreatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was created at source.
sourceModifiedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who modified the record in the source PMS.
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 2455,
  "data": [
      "id": "83455841-03f4-4988-a915-00056edcf6eb",
      "patientId": "267655",
      "patientFirstName": "Sarah",
      "patientLastName": "Oyler",
      "firstVisitDate": "2021-12-10T00:00:00+00:00",
      "providerId": "2",
      "providerFirstName": "Gary",
      "providerLastName": "Crawford",
      "clinicNum": "01",
      "providerCategory": "OSY",
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "sourceCreatedDate": null,
      "sourceModifiedUserId": null,
      "sourceUpdatedDate": null,
      "clinicServerId": "d95b7ed8-69fa-56f7-afda-f8b47a1850b1",
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "2022-05-13T09:44:01",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": null


Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Doctor Production KPI Details



Method Type

Amount generated by doctor or dentist.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ProviderIdstringUnique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic.
ProcedureDatedatetimeDate when the doctor has given a treatment to the patient.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
IdPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
procedureDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the doctor has given a treatment to the patient.
procedureNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for the treatment plan. It is system-generated.
patientIdvarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
doctorProductionDecimal (18,2)Amount generated by doctor or Dentist
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
adaCodeVarchar (20)Procedure code or ADA code based on CDA. For example, D1101
procedureDescriptionvarchar (100)Details of the procedure or treatment service.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.
invoiceIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the invoice.
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
procedureStatusvarchar (100)Procedure status such as completed, planned, deleted, and so on.
isSourceDeletedbitIndicates whether the record was deleted at source.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "clinicServerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "procedureDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "procedureNumber": null,
      "patientId": null,
      "patientFirstName": null,
      "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "appointmentId": null,
      "doctorProduction": 0,
      "providerId": null,
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": null,
      "providerLName": null,
      "providerMName": null,
      "providerCategory": null,
      "clinicNum": null,
      "adaCode": null,
      "procedureDescription": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "sourceUpdatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "procedureStatus": null,
      "isSourceDeleted": false

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Broken Appointments KPI Details



Method Type

Provides a list of patients who have broken the appointment. A broken appointment is when a patient reschedules an. appointment with less than 48 hour notice or does not show up for the scheduled appointment.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ProviderCategorystringSpecialty of the provider.
AppointmentDateTimeDatetimeDate and time of the appointment.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
patientIdvarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
address1varchar (100)Patient’s address one.
address2varchar (100)Patient’s address two.
cityvarchar (100)Patient’s city.
statevarchar (100)Patient’s State.
zipCodevarchar (100)Patient’s postal code.
homePhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s home phone number.
workPhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s work phone number
responsiblePartyIdvarchar (100)Id of the responsible party or guardian for the patient.
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
appointmentDateTimeDatetimeDate and time of the appointment.
isNewPatienttinyintIndicates whether it is patient’s first visit at this clinic.
appointmentStatusvarchar (100)Appointment status.
typeOfVisitVarchar (50)Type of visit can be Doctor visit, or Hygienist visit, or any other visit.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
clinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic.
reasonForVisitVarchar (MAX)Reason for the patient’s visit to the clinic.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "clinicServerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "patientId": null,
      "patientFirstName": null,
      "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "zipCode": null,
      "homePhone": null,
      "workPhone": null,
      "responsiblePartyId": null,
      "appointmentId": null,
      "appointmentDateTime": null,
      "isNewPatient": null,
      "appointmentStatus": null,
      "typeOfVisit": null,
      "providerId": null,
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": null,
      "providerLName": null,
      "providerMName": null,
      "providerCategory": null,
      "clinicNum": null,
      "reasonForVisit": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Cancel Appointments KPI Details



Method Type

Appointments that are cancelled by patients.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageindexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeoffsetDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeoffsetDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ProviderCategorystringSpecialty of the provider.
AppointmentDateTimeDatetimeDate and time of the appointment.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
patientIdvarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
address1varchar (100)Patient’s address one.
address2varchar (100)Patient’s address two.
cityvarchar (100)Patient’s city.
statevarchar (100)Patient’s State
zipCodevarchar (100)Patient’s postal code.
homePhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s home phone number.
workPhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s work phone number
responsiblePartyIdvarchar (100)ID of the responsible party or guardian for the patient.
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
appointmentDateTimeDatetimeDate and time of the appointment.
isNewPatienttinyintIndicates whether it is patient’s first visit at this clinic.
appointmentStatusvarchar (100)Appointment status
typeOfVisitVarchar (50)Type of visit can be Doctor visit, or Hygienist visit, or any other visit.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
reasonForVisitVarchar (MAX)Reason for the patient’s visit to the clinic.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "clinicServerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "patientId": null,
      "patientFirstName": null,
 "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "zipCode": null,
      "homePhone": null,
      "workPhone": null,
      "responsiblePartyId": null,
      "appointmentId": null,
      "appointmentDateTime": null,
      "isNewPatient": null,
      "appointmentStatus": null,
      "typeOfVisit": null,
      "providerId": null,
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": null,
      "providerLName": null,
      "providerMName": null,
      "providerCategory": null,
      "clinicNum": null,
      "reasonForVisit": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Hygiene Production KPI Details



Method Type

Amount generated by Hygienist.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDateDatetimeDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDateDatetimeDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ProviderIdstringUnique identifier of the provider.
ClinicNumDatetimeUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ProcedureDateDatetimeDate when the doctor has given a treatment to the patient.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
procedureDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the doctor has given a treatment to the patient.
procedureNumbervarchar (100)Unique identifier for the treatment plan. It is system-generated.
patientIdvarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
responsiblePartyIdvarchar (100)ID of the responsible party or guardian for the patient.
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
hygieneProductionvarchar (100)Revenue generated by Hygienist for the clinic.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
adaCodeVarchar (20)Procedure code or ADA code based on CDA. For example, D1101
procedureDescvarchar (100)Details of the procedure or treatment service.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.
invoiceIdVarchar (100)Unique identifier for the invoice.
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
procedureStatusvarchar (100)Procedure status such as completed, planned, deleted, and so on.
isSourceDeletedbitIndicates whether the record was deleted at source.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "clinicServerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "procedureDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "procedureNumber": null,
      "patientId": null,
      "patientFirstName": null,
      "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "responsiblePartyId": null,
      "appointmentId": null,
      "hygieneProduction": 0,
      "providerId": null,
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": null,
      "providerLName": null,
      "providerMName": null,
      "providerCategory": null,
      "clinicNum": null,
      "adaCode": null,
      "procedureDesc": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "sourceUpdatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "procedureStatus": null,
      "isSourceDeleted": false

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Short Notice Cancel KPI Details



Method Type

Appointments that are cancelled by patient within short notice.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeoffsetDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeoffsetDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ProvidercategorystringSpecialty of the provider.
AppointmentDateTimeDatetimeDate and time of the appointment.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
patientIdvarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
patientFirstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
patientLastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
patientMiddleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
address1varchar (100)Patient’s address one.
address2varchar (100)Patient’s address two.
cityvarchar (100)Patient’s city.
statevarchar (100)Patient’s state.
zipCodevarchar (100)Patient’s postal code.
homePhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s home phone number.
workPhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s work phone number
responsiblePartyIdVarchar (100)Unique identifier of the responsible Party Id or Guardian
appointmentIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the appointment that the patient has taken with the clinic. It is system-generated.
appointmentDateTimeDatetimeDate and time of the appointment.
isNewPatienttinyintIndicates whether it is patient’s first visit at this clinic.
appointmentStatusvarchar (100)Appointment status.
typeOfVisitVarchar (50)Type of visit can be Doctor visit, or Hygienist visit, or any other visit.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the provider. Links to the provider record.
providerFNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
providerLNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
providerMNamevarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
providerCategoryvarchar (100)Specialty of the provider.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
reasonForVisitVarchar (MAX)Reason for the patient’s visit to the clinic.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "clinicServerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "patientId": null,
      "patientFirstName": null,
      "patientLastName": null,
      "patientMiddleName": null,
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "zipCode": null,
      "homePhone": null,
      "workPhone": null,
      "responsiblePartyId": null,
      "appointmentId": null,
      "appointmentDateTime": null,
      "isNewPatient": null,
      "appointmentStatus": null,
      "typeOfVisit": null,
      "providerId": null,
      "provider": null,
      "providerFName": null,
      "providerLName": null,
      "providerMName": null,
      "providerCategory": null,
      "clinicNum": null,
      "reasonForVisit": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

AR aging balances by Guarantor KPI Details



Method Type

Provides account receivables aging balances based on guarantor.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeIntNumber of records in a page.
PageIndexIntIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
ClinicNumStringUnique identifier of the clinic.
Clinic NameStringName of the clinic.
GuarantorIdStringUnique ID of the guarantor.
GuarantorFirstNameStringFirst name of the guarantor.
GuarantorLastNameStringLast name of the guarantor.
NonzeroArOnlyBitAccount receivable with only non- zero values.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
IdPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
guarantorIdstringUnique identifier for the guarantor. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
guarantorFirstNamestringGuarantor’s first name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorLastNamestringGuarantor’s last name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorMiddleNamestringGuarantor’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
birthdatedatetimeGuarantor’s date of birth.
firstVisitDatedatetimeDate when the patient visited the clinic for the first time.
lastVisitDatedatetimeDate when the patient visited the clinic for the last time.
clinicNumstringUnique identifier for the clinic.
arLess30decimalAmount due for the past 30 days.
ar30To60decimalAmount due for the past 60 days.
ar60To90decimalAmount due for the past 90 days.
arAbove90decimalAmount due for more than 90 days.
totalARdecimalTotal due from patient.
primaryInsuranceIdstringPrimary insurance ID of the guarantor.
secondaryInsuranceIdstringSecondary insurance ID of the guarantor.
clinicNamestringName of the clinic.
clinicCitystringCity where the clinic is located.
clinicStatestringState where the clinic is located.
clinicZipCodestringZip code where the clinic is located.
primaryInsuranceCompanystringPrimary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
secondaryInsuranceCompanystringSecondary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
arGenerationDatedatetimeAccount receivable calculation date.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

 "isSucceed": true,
 "errorMessages": null,
 "exception": null,
 "totalCount": 1,
 "data": [
 "id": "4818F9FE-4126-4948-80FB-0000E462FCF8, ",
 "clinicServerId": "B284A008-D8MA-43E7-BBE0-00003FED01AD, ",
 "guarantorId": "131, ",
 "guarantorFirstName": "Harix, ",
 "guarantorLastName": "R, ",
 "guarantorMiddleName": "M, ",
 "birthDate": "02-06-1930, ",
 "firstVisitDate": "2022-10-1 08:22:40.240, ",
 "lastVisitDate": "2023-12-11 09:22:40.240, ",
 "clinicNum": "1, ",
 "arLess30": "0, ",
 "ar30To60": "0, ",
"ar60To90": "20.4, ",
 "arAbove90": "20.4, ",
 "totalAR": "40.8, ",
 "primaryInsuranceId": "58665, ",
 "secondaryInsuranceId": "0, ",
 "clinicName": "Childrens Dentistry, ",
 "clinicCity": "Park, ",
 "clinicState": "AZ, ",
 "clinicZipCode": "85048, ",
 "primaryInsuranceCompany": "AETNA, ",
 "secondaryInsuranceCompany": "CIGNA, ",
 "arGenerationDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:17.687, ",
 "etlDataUpdatedDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:29.497, "

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Guarantor wise total AR by Date (End date of a month) KPI Details



Method Type

Account receivable for the past months for guarantor (displaying AR only at the end of month – Jan 31st , Feb 28th or 29th, Mar 31st, and so on.)



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the dropdown menu,Clinic server name.
select a clinic server.
ArDate (Date)datetimeEnd date of the month for AR calculation.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageindexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ClinicNamestringName of the clinic.
GuarantorIdstringUnique ID of the guarantor.
GuarantorFirstNamestringFirst name of the guarantor.
GuarantorLastNamestringLast name of the guarantor.
NonzeroArOnlybitAccount receivable with only non- zero values.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
guarantorIdstringUnique ID for the patient’s guarantor. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
guarantorFirstNamestringGuarantor’s first name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorLastNamestringGuarantor’s last name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorMiddleNamestringGuarantor’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
birthdatedatetimeGuarantor’s date of birth.
firstVisitDatedatetimeDate when the guarantor visited the clinic for the first time.
lastVisitDatedatetimeDate when the guarantor visited the clinic for the last time.
clinicNumstringUnique identifier for the clinic.
arLess30decimalAmount due for the past 30 days.
ar30To60decimalAmount due for the past 60 days.
ar60To90decimalAmount due for the past 90 days.
arAbove90decimalAmount due for more than 90 days.
totalARdecimalTotal amount due from guarantor.
patientPortiondecimalAmount due only from guarantor.
insurancePortiondecimalAmount due only from the insurance company.
primaryInsuranceIdstringID of the primary insurance company, which pays the insurance amount.
secondaryInsuranceIddecimalID of the secondary insurance company, which pays the insurance amount.
clinicNamestringName of the clinic.
clinicCitystringCity where the clinic is located.
clinicStatestringState where the clinic is located.
clinicZipCodestringZip code where the clinic is located.
primaryInsuranceCompanystringPrimary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
secondaryInsuranceCompanystringSecondary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
arGenerationDatedatetimeAccount receivable calculation date.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

 "isSucceed": true,
 "errorMessages": null,
 "exception": null,
 "totalCount": 1,
 "data": [
 "id": "4818F9FE-4126-4948-80FB-0000E462FCF8, ",
 "clinicServerId": "B284A008-D8MA-43E7-BBE0-00003FED01AD, ",
 "guarantorId": "111, ",
 "guarantorFirstName": "Harry, ",
 "guarantorLastName": "R, ",
 "guarantorMiddleName": "Jose, ",
 "birthDate": "02-06-1930, ",
 "firstVisitDate": "2022-11-1 08:22:40.240, ",
 "lastVisitDate": "2022-12-11 09:22:40.240, ",
 "clinicNum": "1, ",
 "arLess30": "0, ",
 "ar30To60": "0, ",
 "ar60To90": "20.4, ",
 "arAbove90": "20.4, ",
 "totalAR": "40.8, ",
 "patientPortion": "40.8, ",
 "insurancePortion": "0, ",
 "primaryInsuranceId": "58665, ",
 "secondaryInsuranceId": "0, ",
 "clinicName": "Dental Clinic Name, ",
 "clinicCity": "Park Place, ",
 "clinicState": "AZ, ",
 "clinicZipCode": "85048, ",
 "primaryInsuranceCompany": "AETNA, ",
 "secondaryInsuranceCompany": "CIGNA, ",
 "arGenerationDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:17.687, ",
 "etlDataUpdatedDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:29.497, "

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Patient aging and insurance aging balances by Guarantor KPI Details



Method Type

Patient aging and insurance aging split by guarantor



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page.
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic.
ClinicNamestringName of the clinic.
GuarantorIdstringUnique ID of the guarantor.
GuarantorFirstNamestringFirst name of the guarantor.
GuarantorLastNamestringLast name of the guarantor.
NonzeroArOnlyBitAccount receivable with only non- zero values.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
guarantorIdstringUnique ID for the patient’s guarantor. It is systemgenerated. Links to the patient record.
guarantorFirstNamestringGuarantor’s first name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorLastNamestringGuarantor’s last name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorMiddleNamestringGuarantor’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
birthdatedatetimeGuarantor’s date of birth.
firstVisitDatedatetimeDate when the guarantor visited the clinic for the first time.
lastVisitDatedatetimeDate when the guarantor visited the clinic for the last time.
clinicNumstringUnique identifier for the clinic.
totalPatientARdecimalTotal amount due from patient.
totalInsuranceARdecimalTotal amount due from insurance company.
insPortionLess30decimalInsurance portion amount due for the past 30 days.
insPortion30To60decimalInsurance portion amount due for the past 60 days.
insPortion60To90decimalInsurance portion amount due for the past 90 days.
insPortionAbove90decimalInsurance portion amount due for more than 90 days.
patPortionLess30decimalPatient portion amount due for the past 30 days.
patPortion30To60decimalPatient portion amount due for the past 60 days.
patPortion60To90decimalPatient portion amount due for the past 90 days.
patPortionAbove90decimalPatient portion amount due for more than 90 days.
primaryInsuranceIdstringPrimary insurance ID of the patient.
secondaryInsuranceIdstringSecondary insurance ID of the patient.
clinicNamestringName of the clinic.
clinicCitystringCity where the clinic is located.
clinicStatestringState where the clinic is located.
clinicZipCodestringZip code where the clinic is located.
primaryInsuranceCompanystringPrimary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
secondaryInsuranceCompanystringSecondary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
arGenerationDatedatetimeAccount receivable calculation date.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

 "isSucceed": true,
 "errorMessages": null,
 "exception": null,
 "totalCount": 1,
 "data": [
 "id": "3818F9FE-4066-4948-80FB-0000E462FCF8, ",
 "clinicServerId": "A284A008-D8CA-43E7-BBE0-00003FED01AD, ",
 "guarantorId": "101, ",
 "guarantorFirstName": "John, ",
 "guarantorLastName": "Cherry, ",
 "guarantorMiddleName": "R, ",
 "birthDate": "02-05-1930 12:00:00 AM, ",
 "firstVisitDate": "2022-10-1 08:22:40.240, ",
 "lastVisitDate": "2022-12-11 09:22:40.240, ",
 "clinicNum": "2, ",
 "totalPatientAR": "20.0, ",
 "totalInsuranceAR": "20.0, ",
 "insPortionLess30": "0, ",
 "insPortion30To60": "10.0, ",
 "insPortion60To90": "10.0, ",
 "insPortionAbove90": "0, ",
 "patPortionLess30": "0, ",
 "patPortion30To60": "10.0, ",
 "patPortion60To90": "10.0, ",
 "patPortionAbove90": "0, ",
 "primaryInsuranceId": "58465, ",
 "secondaryInsuranceId": "0, ",
 "clinicName": "Dental Clinic Name, ",
 "clinicCity": "Phoenix, ",
 "clinicState": "AZ, ",
 "clinicZipCode": "85048, ",
 "primaryInsuranceCompany": "AETNA, ",
 "secondaryInsuranceCompany": "CIGNA, ",
 "arGenerationDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:17.687, ",
 "etlDataUpdatedDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:29.497, "

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Total Account Receivable by Guarantor KPI Details



Method Type

Provides the total account receivable by guarantor



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic.
ClinicNamestringName of the clinic.
GuarantorIdstringUnique ID of the guarantor.
GuarantorFirstNamestringFirst name of the guarantor.
GuarantorLastNamestringLast name of the guarantor.
NonzeroArOnlybitAccount receivable with only non- zero values.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
IdPKUnique identifier of the data context.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
guarantor IdstringUnique identifier for the guarantor. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
guarantorFirstNamestringGuarantor’s first name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorLastNamestringGuarantor’s last name. Links to the patient record.
guarantorMiddleNamestringGuarantor’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
birthdatedatetimeGuarantor’s date of birth.
firstVisitDatedatetimeDate when the patient visited the clinic for the first time.
lastVisitDatedatetimeDate when the patient visited the clinic for the last time.
clinicNumstringUnique identifier for the clinic.
arLess30decimalAmount due for the past 30 days.
ar30To60decimalAmount due for the past 60 days.
ar60To90decimalAmount due for the past 90 days.
arAbove90decimalAmount due for more than 90 days.
totalARdecimalTotal due from patient.
totalPatientARdecimalTotal amount due from patient.
totalInsuranceARdecimalTotal amount due from insurance company.
insPortionLess30decimalInsurance portion amount due for the past 30 days.
insPortion30To60decimalInsurance portion amount due for the past 60 days.
insPortion60To90decimalInsurance portion amount due for the past 90 days.
insPortionAbove90decimalInsurance portion amount due for more than 90 days.
patPortionLess30decimalPatient portion amount due for the past 30 days.
patPortion30To60decimalPatient portion amount due for the past 60 days.
patPortion60To90decimalPatient portion amount due for the past 90 days.
patPortionAbove90decimalPatient portion amount due for more than 90 days.
primaryInsuranceIdstringPrimary insurance ID of the guarantor.
secondaryInsuranceIdstringSecondary insurance ID of the guarantor.
clinicNamestringName of the clinic.
clinicCitystringCity where the clinic is located.
clinicStatestringState where the clinic is located.
clinicZipCodestringZip code where the clinic is located.
primaryInsuranceCompanystringPrimary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
secondaryInsuranceCompanystringSecondary insurance company name, which pays the insurance amount.
arGenerationDatedatetimeAccount receivable calculation date.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
"exception": null,
  "totalCount": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": "3818F9FE-4066-4948-80FB-0000E462FCF8, ",
      "clinicServerId": "A284A008-D8CA-43E7-BBE0-00003FED01AD, ",
      "guarantorId": "101, ",
      "guarantorFirstName": "John, ",
      "guarantorLastName": "Cherry, ",
      "guarantorMiddleName": "R, ",
      "birthDate": "02-05-1930 12:00:00 AM, ",
      "firstVisitDate": "2022-10-1 08:22:40.240, ",
      "lastVisitDate": "2022-12-11 09:22:40.240, ",
      "clinicNum": "2, ",
      "arLess30": "0, ",
      "ar30To60": "0, ",
      "ar60To90": "40.4, ",
      "arAbove90": "40.4, ",
      "totalAR": "80.8, ",
      "patientPortion": "80.8, ",
      "insurancePortion": "0, ",
      "primaryInsuranceId": "58465, ",
      "secondaryInsuranceId": "0, ",
      "clinicName": "Dental Clinic Name, ",
      "clinicCity": "Phoenix, ",
      "clinicState": "AZ, ",
      "clinicZipCode": "85048, ",
      "primaryInsuranceCompany": "AETNA, ",
      "secondaryInsuranceCompany": "CIGNA, ",
      "arGenerationDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:17.687, ",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": "2023-10-12 09:24:29.497, "

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.


This section provides information for the following KPIs:

  • Practice Details API
  • Patient Details API
  • Carrier Details API
  • Service Codes API
  • Provider Details API
  • Insurance Claim Details API

Practice Details API



Method Type

Provides the details of the clinic.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ClinicNamestringName of the clinic.
IsActivestringStatus of the patient whether the patient is active or inactive.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier for the data context.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
clinicNamevarchar (100)Name of the clinic.
address1varchar (100)Clinic’s address 1.
address2varchar (100)Clinic’s address 2.
cityvarchar (100)Clinic’s city.
statevarchar (100)Clinic’s state.
zipCodevarchar (100)Clinic’s zip code.
phoneNumberVarchar (30)Clinic’s phone number.
phoneExtVarchar (30)Clinic’s extension number.
emailVarchar (255)Clinic’s email ID.
isActivevarchar (100)Status of the Clinic whether the clinic is active or inactive.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
commentsVarchar (MAX)comments
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
sourceCreatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was created at source.
sourceModifiedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who modified the record at source PMS.
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
eTLDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
eTLDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 31,
  "data": [
      "id": "ccaa52e0-f46f-48f5-98c3-02b77247329e",
      "clinicNum": "123",
      "clinicName": "Creek Dental Group Surgical Arts",
      "address1": "530 EAST 500 SOUTH",
      "address2": "",
      "city": "Salt Lake City",
      "state": "UT",
      "zipCode": "84102",
      "phoneNumber": "8017478017",
      "phoneExt": null,
      "email": "",
  "isActive": null,
      "clinicServerId": "4126d728-5076-54dd-9078-b2eecafc4ee8",
      "comments": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": "BURGADMIN",
      "sourceCreatedDate": "2020-02-26T10:19:00+00:00",
      "sourceModifiedUserId": "SCOON",
      "sourceUpdatedDate": "2021-11-09T10:44:00+00:00",
      "eTLDataLoadedDate": "2022-05-20T03:20:04",
      "eTLDataUpdatedDate": null

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Patient Details API



Method Type

Provides the details of the patient.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
PatientIdvarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
ClinicNumstringUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
FirstnamestringPatient’s first name.
LastNamestringPatient’s last name.
PatientStatusstringStatus of the patient-active or inactive.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context
patientIdvarchar (2000)Unique identifier for patient. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
firstNamevarchar (100)Patient’s first name. Links to the patient record.
lastNamevarchar (100)Patient’s last name. Links to the patient record.
middleNamevarchar (100)Patient’s middle name. Links to the patient record.
salutationvarchar (100)Title of the patient’s name such as Mr., Miss., Mrs., Dr., and so on.
preferredNamevarchar (100)Preferred name of the patient.
address1varchar (100)Patient’s address one.
address2varchar (100)Patient’s address two.
cityvarchar (100)Patient’s city.
statevarchar (100)Patient’s state.
zipCodevarchar (100)Patient’s zip code.
homePhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s home phone number.
workPhoneVarchar (30)Patient’s work phone number
patientStatusVarchar (10)Status of the patient whether the patient is active or inactive.
birthDatevarchar (100)Patient’s date of birth.
accountBalanceDecimal (18,2)Patients account balance
recallMethodVarchar (50)Patients recall method
guardianIDVarchar (50)Unique ID for the patient’s guardian.
sSNVarchar (50)Social Security Number
genderInfoVarchar (10)Patient’s gender info
emailIDVarchar (255)Patient’s email ID.
thirtyDayDecimal (18, 2)Due amount that must be received by the clinic in 30 days.
sixtyDayDecimal (18, 2)Due amount that must be received by the clinic in 60 days.
ninetyDayDecimal (18, 2)Due amount that must be received by the clinic in 90 days.
overNinetyDecimal (18, 2)Due amount that must be received by the clinic in 90+ days.
estimatedInsuranceDecimal (18, 2)Estimated insurance of the patient.
contractBalanceDecimal (18, 2)Balance remaining in the insurance contract.
firstVisitDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the patient visited the clinic for the first time.
lastDateSeendatetimeoffsetDate when the patient completed the treatment or service.
employerIdBigint (20)Unique identifier of the patient’s employer
responsibleVarchar (50)Person responsible for medical decisions other than finances. Guarantor is responsible for finances. This is useful for nursing home residents. Part of public health.
chartNumberVarchar (50)Chart number
primaryProviderIdVarchar (100)Unique identifier for the primary provider.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
sourceCreatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was created at source.
sourceModifiedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who modified the record at source PMS.
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
clinicServerId[int]Unique identifier of the clinic’s server.
eTLDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
eTLDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.
clinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 85947,
  "data": [
      "id": "5e274460-5bbd-4da1-b68c-e8dad164cfdc",
      "patientId": "141854",
      "firstName": "Tina",
      "lastName": "Edmunds",
      "middleName": null,
      "salutation": null,
      "preferredName": null,
      "address1": "1275 E 530 N",
      "address2": null,
      "city": "Orem",
      "state": "UT",
      "zipCode": "84097",
      "homePhone": "8012210000",
      "workPhone": null,
      "patientStatus": "1",
      "birthDate": "02/21/1988 12:00:00 AM",
      "accountBalance": 0,
      "recallMethod": null,
      "guardianID": null,
      "sSN": null,
      "genderInfo": "F",
      "emailID": null,
      "thirtyDay": null,
      "sixtyDay": null,
      "ninetyDay": null,
      "overNinety": null,
      "estimatedInsurance": null,
      "contractBalance": null,
      "firstVisitDate": null,
      "lastDateSeen": null,
      "employerId": null,
      "responsible": null,
      "chartNumber": null,
      "primaryProviderId": null,
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "sourceCreatedDate": null,
      "sourceModifiedUserId": null,
      "sourceUpdatedDate": null,
      "clinicServerId": "d95b7ed8-69fa-56f7-afda-f8b47a1850b1",
      "eTLDataLoadedDate": "2022-05-13T09:39:13",
      "eTLDataUpdatedDate": null,
      "clinicNum": null

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Carrier Details API



Method Type

Insurance company details



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
IsActivestringStatus of the Payor whether the patient is active or inactive.
CarrierIdstringInsurance carrier ID.
CarrierNamestringInsurance carrier name.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
carrierIdvarchar (100)Insurance carrier ID.
companyNamevarchar (255)Insurance carrier name.
address1Varchar [(255)Carrier’s address one.
address2varchar (255)Carrier’s address two.
cityvarchar (255)Carrier’s city.
statevarchar (255)Carrier’s state.
zipCodevarchar (255)Carrier’s Postal code.
phoneNumbervarchar (255)Carrier’s phone number.
phoneExtVarchar (30)Carrier’s phone extension number.
carrierGroupIdvarchar (100)Carrier Group Id.
isActiveVarchar (10)Status of the Payor whether the Payor is active or inactive.
sourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
sourceCreatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was created at source.
sourceModifiedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who modified the record at source PMS.
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
eTLDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
eTLDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 449,
  "data": [
      "id": "b06ca3a0-d499-4505-9c6c-00ca43a6a761",
      "carrierId": "MOUNT",
      "companyName": "Mountain States",
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "zipCode": null,
      "phoneNumber": null,
      "phoneExt": null,
      "carrierGroupId": null,
      "isActive": "1",
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "sourceCreatedDate": null,
      "sourceModifiedUserId": null,
      "sourceUpdatedDate": null,
      "clinicServerId": "ba4664b2-1296-63ad-c5d1-91c81aec486b",
      "eTLDataLoadedDate": "2022-04-21T09:00:01",
      "eTLDataUpdatedDate": null

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Service Codes API



Method Type

Provides procedure code or service code details.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeoffsetDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeoffsetDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ProcedureCodeIdstringUnique identifier of the procedure or treatment. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
StatusstringTreatment or procedure status. Values are Accepted, Processed, Completed, and so on.
  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 449,
  "data": [
      "id": "b06ca3a0-d499-4505-9c6c-00ca43a6a761",
      "carrierId": "MOUNT",
      "companyName": "Mountain States",
      "address1": null,
      "address2": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "zipCode": null,
      "phoneNumber": null,
      "phoneExt": null,
      "carrierGroupId": null,
      "isActive": "1",
      "sourceCreatedUserId": null,
      "sourceCreatedDate": null,
      "sourceModifiedUserId": null,
      "sourceUpdatedDate": null,
      "clinicServerId": "ba4664b2-1296-63ad-c5d1-91c81aec486b",
      "eTLDataLoadedDate": "2022-04-21T09:00:01",
      "eTLDataUpdatedDate": null

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context
procedureCodeIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier of the procedure or treatment. It is system-generated. Links to the patient record.
adaCodeVarchar (20)Procedure code or ADA code based on CDA.
descriptionvarchar (255)Brief description about the treatment.
abbrevDescriptionvarchar (255)Short description of the procedure/treatment
procedureCategoryVarchar (50)Category of the procedure.
treatmentAreaVarchar (50)Procedure or treatment area.
billInsuranceFlagVarchar (10)Indicates whether the procedure (treatment) can be billed to insurance or not.
hasProsthesisVarchar (10)Indicates whether the procedure is one of the prosthesis types (example, crown, bridge, denture, and so on).
statusVarchar (10)Treatment or procedure status. Values are Accepted, Processed, Completed, and so on.
noteVarchar (MAX)comments
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
eTLDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
eTLDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.

Sample Response

Carrier Details API sample response

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Provider Details API



Method Type

Provides details about the provider.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
ClinicFrom the drop-down menu, select a clinic server.Clinic server name.
PageSizeintNumber of records in a page
PageIndexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartDatedatetimeoffsetDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EndDatedatetimeoffsetDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ProviderIdstringUnique identifier for provider. It is system-generated.
FirstNamestringProvider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
LastNamestringProvider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
SpecialitystringSpecialization area of the provider.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
providerIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for provider. It is system-generated.
firstNamevarchar (100)Provider’s first name. Links to the provider record.
lastNamevarchar (100)Provider’s last name. Links to the provider record.
middleInitialvarchar (100)Provider’s middle name. Links to the provider record.
suffixvarchar (100)Provider’s suffix
address1varchar (100)Provider’s address one.
address2varchar (100)Provider’s address two.
cityVarchar (30)Provider’s city.
stateVarchar (30)Provider’s state.
zipCodeVarchar (20)Provider’s postal code.
workPhoneVarchar (50)Provider’s phone number.
workPhoneExtVarchar (30)Provider’s phone extension number.
ssnVarchar (20)Social Security Number.
isActiveVarchar (10)Status of the provider whether the provider is active or inactive.
medicaidIdVarchar (50)Medical ID of the provider.
taxIdVarchar (50)Tax ID of the provider.
npiVarchar (100)National Provider Identifier.
stateIdVarchar (20)State ID of the provider.
blueCrossIdVarchar (30)Blue Cross ID of the provider.
isPrimaryProviderVarchar (0)Indicates whether the provider is the primary provider for the patient or not.
specialityVarchar (50)Provider specialty such as Dentist, Hygienist, and so on.
providerNumbervarchar (100)Provider number (alternate to provider ID).
isNotPersonVarchar (50)Indicates whether provider is not an actual provider but billing person.
sourceCreatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was created at source.
sourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
clinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
etlDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
etlDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.
abbreviationVarchar (MAX)Abbreviation of provider (max of 5 characters).
totalCountIntTotal count of records.
  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 17,
  "data": [
      "id": "4a51300a-666d-4e3c-902e-1127c0d604b3",
      "providerId": "115",
      "firstName": "Gregory",
 "lastName": "Biddulph",
      "middleInitial": null,
      "suffix": null,
      "address1": "1275 E Fort Union Blvd",
      "address2": "Ste 100",
      "city": "Midvale",
      "state": "UT",
      "zipCode": "84047",
      "workPhone": "8012681135",
      "workPhoneExt": null,
      "ssn": null,
      "isActive": "Y",
      "medicaidId": null,
      "taxId": "854364176",
      "npi": "1932237856",
      "stateId": null,
      "blueCrossId": null,
      "isPrimaryProvider": null,
      "speciality": "Dentist",
      "providerNumber": null,
      "isNotPerson": null,
      "sourceCreatedDate": "2019-09-23T12:00:00+00:00",
      "sourceUpdatedDate": "2022-05-16T14:43:00+00:00",
      "clinicServerId": "4126d728-5076-54dd-9078-b2eecafc4ee8",
      "etlDataLoadedDate": "2022-05-24T10:40:06",
      "etlDataUpdatedDate": "2022-05-24T13:00:02",
      "abbreviation": "DRGB",
      "totalCount": 17

Sample Response

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.

Insurance Claim Details API



Method Type

Provides details about the insurance claim.



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Clinic Server IdstringUnique ID of the server associated with the clinic.
PagesizeintNumber of records in a page
PageindexintIndex of the page (example 1,2,3).
StartdatedatetimeoffsetDate from when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
EnddatedatetimeoffsetDate until when you want the data to be included the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
PatientidstringUnique identifier for patient. It is system-generated.
ClinicNumvarcharUnique identifier of the clinic from the source.
ClaimDateSentdatetimeDate when claim was sent to the insurance company
StartTimedatetimeDate range to search the data.
EndTimedatetimeDate range to search the data.

Response Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idPKUnique identifier of the data context.
ClaimNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier of the claim.
ServiceDatedatetimeDate when the treatment was availed.
ClaimDateSentdatetimeDate when the claim was sent.
ClaimStatusVarchar (10)Status of the claim.
PrimaryInsuranceCarrierIdvarchar (100)Primary Insurance Company ID of the patient.
ClaimFeefloatFee incurred for the claim.
InsurancePayEstimationfloatEstimated Insurance amount to be paid by insurance company.
ClaimTypeVarchar (10)Type of claim (primary, secondary, tertiary, and so on).
SourceCreatedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who created the record in the source PMS.
SourceCreatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was created at source.
SourceModifiedUserIdvarchar (100)ID of the user who modified the record at source PMS.
SourceUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the record was updated at source.
ClinicServerIdGUIDUnique identifier of the clinic’s server.
ETLDataLoadedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was loaded to Dentistry Automation.
ETLDataUpdatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate when the data was updated in Dentistry Automation.
InsurancePlanNumvarchar (100)Number of the insurance plan associated with the patient.
SecondaryInsuranceCarrierIdvarchar (100)Secondary Insurance Company Id of the patient
ClaimDateReceiveddatetimeDate when claim is received by the clinics.
ClinicNumvarchar (100)Unique identifier for the clinic.
ClaimUCRAmountfloatClaim UCR amount.
ClaimBilledAmountfloatClaim billed amount.
ClaimReceivedAmountfloatClaim received amount.
CheckNumberVarchar (50)Check number for ID if payment type is check.
ProviderIdvarchar (100)Unique identifier for provider. It is system-generated.
GuarantorIdVarchar (50)Unique ID for the patient’s guarantor.

Sample Response

  "isSucceed": true,
  "errorMessages": null,
  "exception": null,
  "totalCount": 1,
  "data": [
      "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, ",
      "ClaimNum": "11521, ",
      "PatientId": "101, ",
      "ServiceDate": "2022-10-12 10:17:33.097, ",
      "ClaimDateSent": "2022-10-12 10:17:33.097, ",
      "ClaimStatus": "S, ",
      "PrimaryInsuranceCarrierId": "18006, ",
      "ClaimFee": "500, ",
      "InsurancePayEstimation": "500, ",
      "ClaimType": "P, ",
      "SourceCreatedUserId": "0, ",
      "SourceCreatedDate": "2022-10-12 10:17:01.620, ",
      "SourceModifiedUserId": "11521, ",
      "SourceUpdatedDate": "2022-10-12 10:17:33.097, ",
      "ClinicServerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, ",
      "ETLDataLoadedDate": "2022-10-12 10:17:16.753, ",
      "ETLDataUpdatedDate": "2022-10-12 10:17:33.097, ",
      "InsurancePlanNum": "12099, ",
      "SecondaryInsuranceCarrierId": "11806, ",
      "ClaimDateReceived": "2022-10-12 10:17:33.097, ",
      "ClinicNum": "2, ",
      "ClaimUCRAmount": "400, ",
      "ClaimBilledAmount": "500, ",
      "ClaimReceivedAmount": "500, ",
      "CheckNumber": "14231, ",
      "ProviderId": "1, ",
      "GuarantorId": "10324, "

Response Codes

For information about the response codes, see Response Codes in Appointment KPI Details section.